Manual Therapy, applied in association with Therapeutic Exercise and Neurobiological Education procedures, constitutes a therapeutic modality with great potential. A common aspect of these treatment methodologies, applied to different disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system, is that they are based on models in which true Regional Interdependence is recognized among the different components that make up the musculoskeletal system.
Regional Interdependence: It is a concept in which mutual interaction between different organs, systems and / or body regions is recognized. There is a growing body of literature that demonstrates that interventions applied to an anatomical region may influence the outcome and function of other regions of the body without apparent relationship. The second training module highlights the integrative nature of manual therapy, based on the clinical application of regional interdependence models in which neurodynamics, mechanical stimulation of the visceral sphere and traditional musculoskeletal mobilization are related to the objective. to influence the evolution of the most frequent disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system.
Eduardo Zamorano Zárate

Professor Klgo. Eduardo Zamorano Zárate

  • Kinesiólogo de la Universidad de Antofagasta (Chile) 1983- 1986. Se formó en Fisioterapia Manual Osteopática en la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares entre los años 1990- 1995, así como en la Especialización de Métodos Cuantitativos y Cualitativos de Investigación en Salud en la Escuela Universitaria de Fisioterapia (EUF- ONCE) 2005. Dirige el INSTITUTO DE TERAPIA Y MOVIMIENTO (ITM) en Madrid desde 1993.
  • Es profesor de Postgrado en la Escuela Universitaria de Fisioterapia de la ONCE (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), en la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Universidad de Valecia y Universidad de La Coruña. Es autor del libro “Movilización Neuromeníngea” Tratamiento de los trastornos mecanosensitivos del sistema nervioso.
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